Archive for July 27, 2006

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

Isn’t that just a stunning view? It’s from the upper dining pavilion at the Terra Cotta Vinyard. We’ve been taking advantage of their steak bake nights for a couple of years and now our favorite winery just won a gold medal for one of their red wines. Well deserved, I’ve certainly ingested enough of it to vouch for its excellence!

It always makes me laugh when I tell people I’m originally from California and they look at me like I’m some kind of nut for leaving. “But it’s so beautiful there!” they gasp. I want to say “have you looked in your back yard lately? It’s beautiful in Ohio too!” The drive to the vinyard is just breathtaking, four miles from the highway through rolling green hills and lush trees. I can’t imagine there’s any other place on earth more beautiful.

A little rant is necessary today. My printer just died, as always at the most inconvenient time. I toddled down to the local Staples store to replace it and found the newest way the technology industry has found to fleece the people. The last time I bought a printer, they were expensive. But they ran like mules for several years. Now you can get a printer that copies, prints, scans, e-mails and remembers your birthday for under $100. They get you with the ink, $64 a set. Jeez.

July 27, 2006 at 7:59 am 2 comments

The free-lance writer is the person who is paid per piece or per word or perhaps. (Robert Benchley)

Welcome to My Neighborhood!

Shortly after I learned to use a spoon, I learned to use a pencil. Crippled by shyness as a child, I found that the things I couldn't say out loud, I could say with a pen, and then a typewriter. The shyness was overcome with education and age...but the need to write has never left me.

Books That Have Toured Here

Murder For Hire - The Peruvian Pigeon Dana Fredsti mfhcoverjpg.jpg

You’re Not The Only One

Compiled and edited by Peach, this book includes a story by Kat Campbell, as well as 105 other great writers from across the internet. Proceeds from the sale of this book benefit the War Child Fund. Great reading for you, help for some deserving kids. Order by clicking on LuLu in my links.

Woo Hoo Awards!

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July 2006
