Archive for September 22, 2007


While its true that I’m the queen of dorks, suffer from terminal clumsiness and occasionally spaz out and do some incredibly stupid things…most of the time I’m Chief Fiscal Officer of the second largest town in our county, Managing Editor of a publishing company and chairman of the largest writing group in two counties.  I am a dignified and respected public figure.  Now will somebody tell that to these tiny cretins?

I should have known something was up when I found Ayla dressed in her girlie prison garb today.  Not yet reacclimated to life outside the slammer, she puked and pooped on me within the first hour.  But I’m no stranger to delinquent behavior, I countered her aggressive acts so she pulled out two fistfuls of my hair.  When her fiendish plan to snatch me bald didn’t work, she called in reinforcements.  Look at them plotting their escape.  Not even in kindergarten yet, and they think they can take on an old mom like me.  Ha…I laughed at their feeble attempts.  They tried everything:  pretending to be cute and cuddly, blowing bubbles, the big one even tried blowing kisses and doing a raspberry on my leg.  But these two are still wet behind the ears.  They forgot one thing in their wicked plot…..  only one of them knows how to walk.

September 22, 2007 at 10:11 am 10 comments

The free-lance writer is the person who is paid per piece or per word or perhaps. (Robert Benchley)

Welcome to My Neighborhood!

Shortly after I learned to use a spoon, I learned to use a pencil. Crippled by shyness as a child, I found that the things I couldn't say out loud, I could say with a pen, and then a typewriter. The shyness was overcome with education and age...but the need to write has never left me.

Books That Have Toured Here

Murder For Hire - The Peruvian Pigeon Dana Fredsti mfhcoverjpg.jpg

You’re Not The Only One

Compiled and edited by Peach, this book includes a story by Kat Campbell, as well as 105 other great writers from across the internet. Proceeds from the sale of this book benefit the War Child Fund. Great reading for you, help for some deserving kids. Order by clicking on LuLu in my links.

Woo Hoo Awards!

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September 2007
